EMF Survey: Commercial Consultation Process and Procedure
214.912.4691 Commercial Clients ONLY
ScanTech DOES NOT perform residential testing OR consulting for homeowners / tenants – all services are COMMERCIAL ONLY
For a commercial EMF / EMI testing quote, (I do not render services in the residential market) please include the following:
1) Physical address of the facility and layout including rough square footage involved (Scope of Work)
2) Contact information including email, best phone number(s) including a cell number
3) Company name and the nature of your business / industry
4) Examples and placement of the kinds of equipment / electrical infrastructure used that employs high voltage, high current and inversion / conversion / rectification (AC-DC or DC-AC)
5) Timeline to accomplish
6) Access logistics, onsite contact information and PPE required
7) What are your typical payment terms and what is your vendor vetting process like (what paperwork needs to be filled out to establish a working relationship including the NDA)
8) A brief narrative as to WHY you are requiring an EMF / EMI field testing survey and consultation
1) You make an appointment with us by calling or emailing through the Service Request Form just above – we can sometimes do evenings and weekends on with enough notice.
2) We can email a copy of our EMF Survey agreement so that you know what to expect as far as guarantees. Upon request, this can also include a sanitized sample report with explanations of range.
3) After meeting with you or your representative on site, then if everything is amenable, you sign the EMF survey agreement which gives us permission to begin. If you or another individual who is authorized to sign contracts on your behalf are unable to meet onsite, then the agreement must be signed before departure for site begins.
4) We deploy the EMF scanning equipment and begin recording readings in the areas of interest where point sources may be located in the facility. This typically takes 1-2 hours for small areas and up to a few days for very large scale projects. We PREFER to have an escort as your company safety policy likely requires this for our safety.
5) After finishing, IF you have opted for the WRITTEN and / or graphical reporting option we give you a rough carbon copy of the EMF field report along with a verbal consultation regarding our prognosis and recommendations. (provided you are paying for a Written or Graphical Analysis type survey.
Payment is typically due at that time (former residential) – otherwise other arrangements made beforehand (Purchase Order, NET XX Days, etc.) are negotiated or an administrative billing fee may apply.
6) Please supply floor plans and equipment layout, listings, and photos where possible so as to build a more accurate quote for your EMF survey. Some good examples are below.
7) We will send a finished formal report by email within 3-5 business days.

EMF Sources List for Pacemaker Survey

EMF Survey Map showing Layout and High Voltage Equipment Locations with probable elevated magnetic fields which could affect pacemakers
*NOTE: Effective January 1st, 2019 ScanTech will no longer perform residential testing OR consulting for homeowners and tenants – all services are COMMERCIAL ONLY. Instead I will redirect you to a page for resources to other companies and common questions – CLICK HERE.
Q. For an EMF survey, do you not come to the location and view the current setup and scope of work prior to creating an estimate for the total?
A. That is an interesting question which underscores how differently businesses can develop their routine practices and protocols. I am in an unusual niche business, particularly for this region as I am the only consultant in the Central United States who tests EMF / RF / Wireless / Radiation on as broad a scale as I do. I started with residential and every client I had wanted a quote before I came out and to this day it is typically one of the first things a client asks.
On the other hand, my father has run his painting contracting business successfully for over 45 years and “walking” (inspecting) a job site before issuing a quote is very routine as I used to go with him and have tabulated numerous estimates. I understand the need for that in his line of work.
But I have been doing this for nearly 20 years and I have performed every job without ever being onsite first. I have also done a number of consultations without ever physically being onsite or meeting the client in person. With a number of my commercial clients being out of town / out of state, (Houston, Austin, Detroit, etc.) traveling to site for free is not a viable policy.
What I do ask for is relevant information such as blueprints, specs, and the scope of work emerges from a conversation with the client as in the above process description. The quote I come up with is based on a job calculator I developed plus a combination of intuition, experience and the track record of bids for analogous projects. I’ve only had one request to come out and look at a job for free and the only reason I did it was because the address was from my old workplace in the 1990’s. As it turns out, the client was a very poor communicator with respect to supplying me with the information requested so I was forced to decline bidding on that job.
Q. Do you always charge that initial visit, some of which could include the beginning steps of the project?
A. Yes, that is exactly correct because my time is always worth something as I add value and input to the project just by asking the right questions, taking measurements and pointing out things that were not noticed. Again, having a phone conversation first is important to make sure we are both on the same page as to the extent and implications of the proposed project. While there have been some interesting twists to the scope of work after I arrived onsite, I have yet to be significantly off about matching the the original estimate vs. the actual scope of work. If there is a mismatch, it is only because the customer did not reveal or disclose the full scope of work as requested.
SAMPLE Scantech EMF Site Report
Guide to Interpreting your EMF Survey Inspection Reports:
(Commercial / Industrial only)
60 Hz AC and other ELF Extremely Low Frequency MAGNETIC FIELDS – units in milliGauss (mG)
60 Hz AC and ELF ELECTRIC FIELDS – units in V/m or Volts per meter
RF (RADIO FRQUENCY) fields – units usually in uW/cm^2 which is shorthand for microWatts per centimeter squared
For a list of EMF Unit Conversion Tables
Each area has a low and high range for general surveys. For EMF surveys dealing with pacemakers / biomedical implants, etc. the PEAK reading will be recorded.
Living Room 0.35 – 1.17
This translates to a low of 0.35 mG to a high of 1.17 mG. It is much easier to give a range rather than a true arithmetic mean as that would require sampling a large number of data points in every point in the room which is neither cost effective or necessary. All readings are taken at 1 meter above the ground which is the recommended IEEE height to record readings during an EMF survey. This height was chosen to represent an average center of body mass for both adults and children.
In some cases, such as in sleeping areas, measurements are taken from about where a body would lie on the mattress from head to foot to get a better idea of the EMF exposure during sleep.
Hot Spot – a high spot is an area that exhibits a higher than the normal or ambient field found in a particular room during an EMF home inspection.
EXAMPLE: Garage 0.18 – 0.6 mG Hot Spot 15.8 mG + near breaker box.
This translates to the observation that the typical low for the garage is around 0.18 and a typical high is 0.6, but in the vicinity of the breaker box (typically within a few feet or less) the fields are elevated due to all of the convergent circuit branches that meet at that one point. There is generally a comment such as “Normal” which means this is a customary and ordinary field measurement for this type of feature. It would only be a concern if the field is high enough and pervades into other living spaces where the occupants spend a substantial amount of time. Transient passage or time spent such as in house areas such as utility rooms, garages, closets, hallways, etc. are generally not an issue.
Note: Aerial survey style reports of the exterior normally accrue additional charges.
We have performed EMF and Radiation Surveys for clients in the following industries:
General Contractors & Construction Firms
Petrochemical including Refineries, Drilling Fields & Offshore Oil Rigs (both Upstream & Downstream)
Energy Production & Power Plants including High Voltage Electrical Lines & Substations
Engineering & Architectural Consulting Firms
Agricultural / Agrochemical
Automotive & Heavy Equipment Manufacturers
Government Agencies & Municipal / State / County Entities
Aerospace & Defense
Semiconductor Fabrication / Manufacturing & Analysis
Pharmaceutical, Drug and DME (Durable Medical Equipment) Manufacturing
Hospitals and other Health Care Facilities
Food & Beverage Production including Beer Breweries
Warehousing & Storage
Corporate Headquarters, Real Estate, Property Management & Office Buildings
Financial & Insurance Companies
Nanotechnology Research & Manufacturing
Cosmetic Goods Production
Forensic & Environmental Laboratories
Educational Institutions & Schools
Cellular Networks & Telecommunication Firms
ScanTech Commercial Realtor Brochure
A North Dallas suburban home had elevated EMF (25 mG +) throughout several areas of the home and in the front yard? CAUSE: An improperly wired branch circuit that had been grounded to the sprinkler system.
In Carrollton, an expensive two story was built within 30 yards of some 500 kV lines. The resulting field throughout the home was 35 – 50 mG. Mitigation considered impractical.
Fort Worth, TX. – An improperly wired 3-way switch caused elevated EMF on a wall in a children’s playroom. Recommendation was to repair the wiring utilizing a knowledgeable electrician.
Allen, TX. – A biologist was concerned about cell towers in a neighborhood that her family was considering moving into. Findings: The cell tower was too remote to have any measurable effect on RF / microwave levels over ambient background.
Dallas, TX – A series of homes constructed by a conscientious builder were next to a 230 kV power line. Amazingly, the EMF at the property lines generally did not exceed 2.0 mG.
Roanoke, TX – ScanTech was contacted by a Fortune 500 company to evaluate the safety and equipment interference levels of a switch room. While EMF was generally within all but the strictest suggested standards, it was found that RF levels would spike beyond OSHA recommended guidelines. Redesign and re-deployment of the network infrastructure is going forward.
Q. How much is a milliGauss (mG) ?
A. It is 1/1000 of a gauss and is also equal to 100 nanoTesla. An average home with good wiring practice that is a sufficient distance (see main FAQ to the right) from high voltage power line influence will typically read 1 mG or less.
Q. What is the difference in Specific Absorption Rate SAR (watts per kg) and normal RF measurements such as watts per cm squared?
A. There is often a lot of confusion about this. SAR is a measurement that generally applies to the NEAR FIELD (within one wavelength) of an RF emitting device such as a cell phone and relates to the amount of energy a human body absorbs from that device. This requires a laboratory type setup with very expensive equipment and 3-D modeling software.
Most standard RF measurements deal in FAR FIELD (beyond one wavelength) energy modeling, which is a very different type of exposure. The two readings cannot really be converted back and forth.
Q. What energy field / EMF specifications are pacemakers, ICDs, cardiac devices and biomedical implants designed to work in safely?
A. It differs enough that it is recommended that you either contact the doctor / surgeon / medical center involved and / or the manufacturer of the unit in question for the safest answer. You need the make and model number, but ScanTech can act as a technical liaison and interpret the numbers for a proper workplace / industrial survey.
Here are some example specs that have been seen:
DC Gauss Field: 5 Gauss
AC Gauss Field: 1 Gauss
50/60 Hz Electric Field: 6 kV per meter
High Frequency Field: 150 volts per meter
RF Energy: 2.6 mW per cm squared
ScanTech has performed a number of biomedical implant surveys and has both the equipment (several meters are required) and the education / experience to perform this professionally.
Q. What recommendations do you have for Low EMF construction?
A. There are several things that can be looked at from the outset of construction or as a part or retrofitting an existing home.
Low EMF lighting such as LED lighting is an excellent choice plus it saves money through increased energy efficiency and reliability. Fluorescent lights should generally be avoided as they can have higher EMF & RF signatures which can induce noise into other electronic equipment. (also known as “dirty electricity”)
Metal or shielded metal conduit for electrical wiring. (proper grounding shields electrical fields)
Use of flat screen monitors vs. CRT monitors (now almost non-existent) with a significant magnetic field.
Correct wiring practice for multi-locational lighting (lights with two or more switches controlling) by using 3 wire runner.
Avoiding ground loops through improper wiring and malfunctioning equipment.
Do not connect neutrals from separate branch circuits.
Shielding heavier point source fields such as those found near breaker boxes with mu metal or hydrogen annealed plate.
Q. Are there low EMF appliances that you can recommend?
A. So far, applicable electronic and electric devices which are marketed as low EMF are limited to phones, hair dryers and computer monitors.
For phones, you can look up the SAR or use some kind of low EMF headphones to keep the radiation away from your head.
Low EMF hair dryers use an elongated tube to route hot air to your hair without placing the motor/heater assembly close to your head.
Flat screen monitors are usually superior to CRT monitors in many ways including lowered eyestrain and EMF fields. Special transparent shields are available for those who need to use an older CRT.
For major home appliances, the main source of concern would be the refrigerator because it is always on as compared to ovens, dishwashers and washing machine/dryers. It is difficult to recommend specific makes and models because the specs are not usually published and the manufacturer periodically designs and markets new appliances constantly.
Prudent avoidance is one of the best solutions – once the appliance is on, move away from the area until it is done. Otherwise, flexible shielding may be an option.
Q. My family is thinking of purchasing an electric / hybrid vehicle such as a Toyota Prius, but I have heard or am concerned that the EMF fields are unsafe. What do you recommend?
A. That ScanTech meet you at the dealership for a survey to measure the fields at different points in the vehicle and to address your concerns. The fields in an electric vehicle can be high, but vary from one individual vehicle to another and shielding of the passenger compartment could mitigate any concerns.
ScanTech Technical Consulting is owned and operated by Joel-Anthony Gray who has over 22 years of experience as an EMF consultant, EMI troubleshooting expert and nuclear radiation testing consultant for a variety of commercial and industrial customers. While there is currently no such thing as a Certified EMF Consultant as far as the United States industrial and scientific community at large is concerned, what ScanTech offers is extensive education, experience and multiple certifications in non-ionizing radiation, industrial safety and hygiene. (listed here EMF Credentials) He holds numerous degrees and certifications which qualify him for this title. Call 214.912.4691
ScanTech Technical Consulting professional commercial electromagnetic field testing and radio frequency testing in the Dallas – Fort Worth Texas area to detect and measure exposures and health risks (if any) to electromagnetic fields and radiation. Call 214.912.4691
ScanTech Technical Consulting professional commercial electromagnetic field testing and radio frequency testing in the Dallas – Fort Worth Texas area to detect and measure exposures and health risks (if any) to electromagnetic fields and radiation. Call 214.912.4691
ScanTech Technical Consulting provides commercial radio frequency (RF) testing in the Dallas – Fort Worth Texas area to detect and measure exposures to all forms and frequencies of radio frequency radiation. Call 214.912.4691
ScanTech Technical Consulting provides professional EMI testing for pacemakers and other biomedical implants throughout the United States to detect and measure exposures to all forms of interference from electromagnetic radiation. Call 214.912.4691
ScanTech Technical Consulting provides commercial cellular testing in the Dallas – Fort Worth Texas area to detect and measure exposures to all forms of RF including 5G. Call 214.912.4691
ScanTech Technical Consulting provides commercial radio frequency (RF) testing in the Dallas – Fort Worth Texas area to detect and measure exposures to all forms of electromagnetic radiation. Call 214.912.4691
ScanTech Technical Consulting provides professional radio frequency (RF) testing in the Dallas – Fort Worth Texas area to detect and measure exposures to all forms of electromagnetic radiation. Call 214.912.4691
ScanTech Technical Consulting provides professional radioactivity testing in the Dallas – Fort Worth, Houston, Austin and San Antonio areas of Texas to detect and measure exposure to ionizing, nuclear or atomic radiation. Call 214.912.4691
ScanTech Technical Consulting provides professional photometric testing in the Dallas Texas area for commercial clients to help pass lighting ordinances for their Certificate of Occupancy. Call 214.912.4691
ScanTech Technical Consulting provides ESD testing in the Dallas – Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio and Houston Texas area to evaluate, measure and perform Electrostatic Discharge testing and consulting for sensitive environments. Call 214.912.4691
ScanTech Technical Consulting provides certified indoor air quality testing for commercial clients in the Dallas – Fort Worth Texas area detect and measure harmful contaminants. Call 214.912.4691
ScanTech Technical Consulting provides certified indoor air quality testing in the Dallas Texas area for commercial clients to help pass the Dallas Green Building Clearance Code 804.2 for a Certificate of Occupancy. Call 214.912.4691
We often serve clients in Texas, Michigan and Iowa. Cities for onsite commercial testing and inspection services include: Plano, Highland Park, University Park, Park Cities, Las Colinas, Arlington, Fort Worth, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Shreveport, Grapevine, Frisco, Denton, McKinney, Allen, Lewisville, Irving, Mesquite, Bedford, Euless, Richardson, Coppell, Grand Prairie, Garland, Addison, Farmers Branch, Rockwall, Carrollton, Parker, Rowlett, Lucas, Fairview, Park Cities, Keller, Roanoke, The Colony, Highland Village, Lake Dallas, Corinth, Prosper, Duncanville, Lancaster, Rowlett, Royse City, Princeton, Trophy Club, Southlake, Hurst, Round Rock, Georgetown, San Marcos, Cedar Park, The Woodlands and Spring. Counties served include Dallas, Collin, Denton, Tarrant, Rockwall, Harris and Travis County.
Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming | Washington D.C. (District of Columbia)
Countries served include the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand the UK / United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland) and Western Europe.
We often serve clients in Texas, Michigan and Iowa. Cities for onsite commercial testing and inspection services include: Plano, Highland Park, University Park, Park Cities, Las Colinas, Arlington, Fort Worth, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Shreveport, Grapevine, Frisco, Denton, McKinney, Allen, Lewisville, Irving, Mesquite, Bedford, Euless, Richardson, Coppell, Grand Prairie, Garland, Addison, Farmers Branch, Rockwall, Carrollton, Parker, Rowlett, Lucas, Fairview, Park Cities, Keller, Roanoke, The Colony, Highland Village, Lake Dallas, Corinth, Prosper, Duncanville, Lancaster, Rowlett, Royse City, Princeton, Trophy Club, Southlake, Hurst, Round Rock, Georgetown, San Marcos, Cedar Park, The Woodlands and Spring. Counties served include Dallas, Collin, Denton, Tarrant, Rockwall, Harris and Travis County.
Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming | Washington D.C. (District of Columbia)
Major US Cities: Chicago, Detroit, Phoenix, Denver, Salt Lake City, Miami, Grand Rapids, Lansing, Nashville, Memphis, Atlanta, Charleston, Raleigh-Durham, Charlotte, Des Moines, Milwaukee
Countries served include the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand the UK / United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland) and Western Europe.
All information on this website either written or implied is the express opinion of ScanTech Technical Consulting. ScanTech Technical Consulting and it’s owners are not responsible or liable for any damages arising from the misuse, misinterpretation or other consequences of the content of this website either in part or in whole. This includes all external weblinks, PDF documents, photos or other references (informational or otherwise) to 3rd parties including government agencies, health organizations, etc.
15770 Dallas Pkwy Suite # 900 Dallas, TX 75248 (Not Accepting Visitors due to C19)
Phone: (214).912.4691 https://emfsurvey.com
ScanTech Technical Consulting: Professional Electromagnetic EMF Consulting / EMI Testing for Biomedical Implant & Equipment, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Testing & Environmental Studies and Inspections
COPYRIGHT 2002 – 2024
Can you recommend an EMF Consultant in the Austin, TX area? I couldn’t find your list of consultants on your website.
Hello Ms. Dianne Doggett,
The reason I don’t list one is because ScanTech Technical Consulting is the EMF testing company that I recommend for the Austin area (and anywhere in the Texas / South Central United States region) – I travel to there as well as Houston for projects on a regular basis.
Joel-Anthony Gray of ScanTech Technical Consulting
I am the safety manager of a factory and we have an employee who just had a Boston Scientific pacemaker implanted and we need to have a survey done in our facility to evaluate his possible return. we have multiple plasma welding units large generators multiple power supply boxes and wifi and radio frequencies in our plant.
Mr. Biffle,
I am experienced in pacemaker EMI surveys including ones manufactured by Boston Scientific, St. Jude Medical, Mortara, and Medtronic. Please send a floor plan and equipment loadout along with the model of biomedical implant and we can go over potential AC / DC magnetic, electric and RF fields which could interfere with the operation of a pacemaker, ICD, or other implantable defibrillator such as RF welders, radios, electrical transformers, extrusion motors, etc.
JAG of ScanTech Technical Consulting
We need a quote for a survey of a proposed school site in San Antonio. The site is adjacent to a big substation and several big voltage towers, plus a cell phone tower. If you don’t travel to San Antonio, I would appreciate a recommendation.
Ms. Zoya Marincheva,
Yes, I travel to San Antonio on a regular basis for public, government and commercial projects that involve concerns about EMF from powerlines, substations and cell towers. Please get in touch with me by phone and I will see what we can arrange.
JAG of ScanTech Technical Consulting
Hello Joel, We are considering purchasing a home on a hill in Helotes, north of San Antonio. A portion of the hilltop was leased to Crown Castle and there are now 3 Pole Cell towers located as close as 60 feet from the residence. According to the American Cancer society, the RF radiating from Cell Towers (in general) is non-ionizing radiation and of a wavelength that is not considered to cause Cancer. They say that the amount of EMF from a hand held device is likely more than that emitted from Cell towers, and that Cell tower RF is generally not above ambient RF levels, even at close proximity (like under a tower.)
Does this agree with your understanding of the potential for harmful RF or EMF from Cell Towers? Feel free to contact me at the email below, as we may want a test done before purchasing.
Mr. Ej Nolan,
Thank you for presenting your EMF concerns in this comment forum! However due to bandwidth constraints and my business path trajectory, I no longer work in the residential sector with homeowners in the form of either surveys or consultation. My best advice is to look through the information that I have already posted on EMF on this website and / or look at the helpful links page for a consultant who offers such services in the areas of cell tower radiation.
JAG of ScanTech Technical Consulting