5G Health Risks: Are They Real?

2 Responses

  1. Shari says:

    I hope this finds you well . I am in need of help to see if the Unpermitted 5G 200 ft tower right over my rescue/kids camp is safe. .I live in Houma Louisiana. Recently American Tower company installed large 5G panels on the existing 200 ft tower that is next to my Large animal rescue. / kids camp . Right over top of my place and many other families with small children .I happen to be a child’s advocate, I asked the tower company for the safety compliance information, I’ve asked the parish for the FCC , FDA , NEPA regulations compliance information. Our zoning does not enforce any of the regulations, this tower was not permitted . the tower company is unable to provide RF testing or any other compliance to prove this tower or any other tower in the parish is safe . We are all terrified of what we all may be subjected to from this 5G Tower . . There are several new health issues we are dealing with and we are all very Healthy people .
    I am looking for someone who can test the RF electromagnetic fields from this particular tower and hopefully at some point the others as I meet with the city Council to enforce more testing for all of the new 5G towers .
    I will need to close my kids camp and move my animals if it is not safe here . my neighbors can not move .
    Do you do testing for RF electromagnetic fields ?
    Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
    Shari Champagne

  2. ScanTech Technical Consulting - CIH, CSP, BSEE, CHMM, CHP (Pending) says:


    I believe the above article on 5G cell towers that I wrote goes into a lot of detail about how the Radio Frequency (RF) energy from cell towers is not dangerous as far as radiation is concerned. I have done surveys of numerous cell towers on rooftops at practically point blank range and I have never found energy levels anywhere near dangerous. Tissue heating effects typically requires the power you get from military and weather radar if you happen to be in the main beam at relatively close range. There is no need to be terrified and for a day camp I would be far more concerned about UV sun exposure, diseases from ticks and mosquitoes, etc. as those are proven health issues.

    JAG of ScanTech

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