Tagged: rf radiation

5G Health Risks RF Radiation Safety Testing 2

5G Health Risks: Are They Real?

Many buildings and towers are leased property by RF communications providers and have warning signage regarding RF radiation. Roofers, other maintenance personnel and building tenants are understandably concerned with the hazards associated with Radio...

Smart Meter RF Radiation Safety 4

Smart Meters: RF Radiation Safety Health Risks with regard to Actual RF Testing

214.912.4691 Commercial Clients ONLY ScanTech DOES NOT perform residential testing OR consulting for homeowners / tenants – all services are COMMERCIAL ONLY HOMEOWNERS & RESIDENTIAL CLIENTS CLICK HERE What is a Minimum Safe Distance...

Radiation Meter Geiger Counter 0

Radiation & EMF Mythology Promulgated by Media and TV Shows

  Sometimes I am dismayed by the lack of what I consider to be “common sense” science knowledge and critical thinking skills displayed by not only the mainstream public, but also by supposedly educated...