Tagged: Houston

5G Health Risks RF Radiation Safety Testing 2

5G Health Risks: Are They Real?

Many buildings and towers are leased property by RF communications providers and have warning signage regarding RF radiation. Roofers, other maintenance personnel and building tenants are understandably concerned with the hazards associated with Radio...

Dirty Electricity Safety AC Powerline EMI Noise 0

Dirty Electricity – Is it really EMF “Electropollution” or a Real Threat to Health and Safety? The Dirtier Truth

Is Dirty Electricity Real? And is it really EMF “Electropollution” or a Real Health Risk? The Dirtier Truth 214.912.4691 Commercial Clients ONLY ScanTech DOES NOT perform residential testing OR consulting for homeowners / tenants...

EMF Meters for Radiation Testing 10

Using the Wrong EMF Test Meter for EMF Testing and Home Inspections: A Case Study in Professional EMF Consulting Judgment

EMF TESTING METERS & EQUIPMENT I always found it both interesting and gratifying when clients who hired me already have their own meter and yet are willing to pay an additional fee to interpret...

EMF Meter Testing 0

Why A Professional Digital EMF Meter Should Be Used For EMF Testing

214.912.4691 Commercial Clients ONLY ScanTech DOES NOT perform residential testing OR consulting for homeowners / tenants – all services are COMMERCIAL ONLY HOMEOWNERS & RESIDENTIAL CLIENTS CLICK HERE In a previous post, I commented...

Smart Meter RF Radiation Safety 4

Smart Meters: RF Radiation Safety Health Risks with regard to Actual RF Testing

214.912.4691 Commercial Clients ONLY ScanTech DOES NOT perform residential testing OR consulting for homeowners / tenants – all services are COMMERCIAL ONLY HOMEOWNERS & RESIDENTIAL CLIENTS CLICK HERE What is a Minimum Safe Distance...

60 Hz AC Magnetic Field Sources 0

Typical EMF & RF Sources in the Home

Homes have several potential sources for high EMF and RF sources including:  External high voltage power lines (both primary and secondary feeders) which can produce elevated levels – particularly in densely populated urban areas...


Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Testing Services (including chemicals / carcinogens like Formaldehyde) Available – Fast Onsite Results!

Dallas IAQ Green Building Clearance Testing for 804.2 Ordinance ScanTech Technical Consulting performs indoor air quality tests including particulate matter in the air (residential and commercial) in the 0.3 – 2.5 micron and 2.5...

Indoor Air Quality VOCs 0

VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) Indoor Air Quality Contaminants and Health

VOCs, plastics, pesticides and other solvent vapors which contribute to poor indoor air quality, allergies, illness, airborne toxicity and carcinogenic risk.   NATURAL AND SYNTHETIC CHEMICALS VOCs – can be classified by boiling points...

TVOC VOC Meter Indoor Air Quality 2

Air Quality TVOC (Total Volatile Organic Compound Theory) and Health Effects

It is a widely held belief in the environmental health sciences community that exposures to individual VOCs and SVOCs (Semi-Volatile Organic Compunds) in indoor environments ARE NOT the sole factor for health issues and...

Oxygen Indoor Air Quality 2

Indoor Air Quality Testing: Oxygen Levels and Oxygen Deprivation Effects

One metric that is commonly overlooked in air quality studies is the oxygen percentage in the indoor environment with respect to normal atmospheric composition and how sensitive the human body is to this level....

Broken CFL Bulb Mercury Toxic Release 0

Mercury in CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lights) – How Much of a Toxic Health Hazard?

I recently had a concerned homeowner in the Dallas area contact me regarding toxic chemical exposure, specifically mercury testing in the home as she was concerned about the previous owner possibly having dropped and...

P100 Respirator Indoor Air Quality 2

Dallas Indoor Air Quality Testing 214.912.4691 – EMF Testing & RF Cellular Radiation Surveys

 COMMERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL CLIENTS ONLY –  HOMEOWNERS & RESIDENTIAL CLIENTS CLICK HERE DAYS / HOURS OF OPERATION  (text to with inquiries – 24 / 7 but please include physical address, square footage and email)...


Radon Gas in Homes Causes Up to 7 X More Deaths than Asbestos

An often overlooked aspect of air quality testing, particularly in Texas cities such as Dallas / Fort Worth, Houston and Austin is checking for the presence of radon gas which is a proven carcinogen....

ScanTech Service Area Dallas Fort Worth DFW Map 0

US Counties & Cities Served by ScanTech Technical Consulting

214.912.4691 Commercial Clients ONLY ScanTech DOES NOT perform residential testing OR consulting for homeowners / tenants – all services are COMMERCIAL ONLY HOMEOWNERS & RESIDENTIAL CLIENTS CLICK HERE     WHO IS A CERTIFIED...