Tagged: Smart Meters

Smart Meter RF Radiation Safety 4

Smart Meters: RF Radiation Safety Health Risks with regard to Actual RF Testing

214.912.4691 Commercial Clients ONLY ScanTech DOES NOT perform residential testing OR consulting for homeowners / tenants – all services are COMMERCIAL ONLY HOMEOWNERS & RESIDENTIAL CLIENTS CLICK HERE What is a Minimum Safe Distance...

Chromosome Damage Cancer 0

DNA Damage in the Cell and Mechanisms of Cancer: A Quick Overview Part I

OVER 20 YEARS IN BUSINESS AS “The Unusual Problem Specialists” 214.912.4691 Commercial Clients ONLY ScanTech DOES NOT perform residential testing OR consulting for homeowners / tenants – all services are COMMERCIAL ONLY HOMEOWNERS &...

60 Hz AC Magnetic Field Sources 0

Typical EMF & RF Sources in the Home

Homes have several potential sources for high EMF and RF sources including:  External high voltage power lines (both primary and secondary feeders) which can produce elevated levels – particularly in densely populated urban areas...

Powerline Cell Phone RF Surveys 4

EMF Biomedical Implant Surveys: 214.912.4691 Dallas – Houston – Austin – San Antonio – Fort Worth

* We are an Essential Industrial Health & Safety Business and still Operating Normally – Fully C19 Vaccinated * ScanTech does not perform residential testing for homeowners and tenants – all services are COMMERCIAL...