Tagged: emf protection

safe-living-distance-to-power-lines 0

EMF Power Lines & Safe Distance for Protection – What is Wrong with this Picture?

WHAT IS A MINIMUM SAFE DISTANCE FROM POWER LINES? 214.912.4691 Commercial Clients ONLY ScanTech DOES NOT perform residential testing OR consulting for homeowners / tenants – all services are COMMERCIAL ONLY HOMEOWNERS & RESIDENTIAL...


Epidemiology of EMF: The Science of Cancer Risk and EMF / RF Safety Levels

Epidemiology, or the study of disease patterns as they relate to a particular health hazard or set of potentially harmful hazards as applied to a range of biological effects, is a complex field in...

EMF in Incandescent CFL LED Bulbs 6

LED Lighting vs. CFL and Incandescent Bulbs – Regarding EMF & EMI Levels

EMF TESTING – ARE LED LAMPS BETTER? In theory for many applications, yes, but in practice there are several problems with them. (here is a personal revised repost from a technical forum I belong...

Powerline Cell Phone RF Surveys 4

EMF Biomedical Implant Surveys: 214.912.4691 Dallas – Houston – Austin – San Antonio – Fort Worth

* We are an Essential Industrial Health & Safety Business and still Operating Normally – Fully C19 Vaccinated * ScanTech does not perform residential testing for homeowners and tenants – all services are COMMERCIAL...