Tagged: cell tower

5G Health Risks RF Radiation Safety Testing 2

5G Health Risks: Are They Real?

Many buildings and towers are leased property by RF communications providers and have warning signage regarding RF radiation. Roofers, other maintenance personnel and building tenants are understandably concerned with the hazards associated with Radio...

Cell Tower EMF Levels 0

Weak Cellular Phone Reception: Why and What you Can Do About It

One bar. Or none. The frustration of being in an out of service area, dropped calls, intermittent voice communication, slow download speeds… all issues we have experienced at one point or another. If you...

Powerline Cell Phone RF Surveys 4

EMF Biomedical Implant Surveys: 214.912.4691 Dallas – Houston – Austin – San Antonio – Fort Worth

* We are an Essential Industrial Health & Safety Business and still Operating Normally – Fully C19 Vaccinated * ScanTech does not perform residential testing for homeowners and tenants – all services are COMMERCIAL...